What to expect from Nutrition Coaching with me
We all have very different goals when it comes to nutrition. Some of us want to lose weight, whereas others are intrigued by the effect that food has on their sport & exercise performance, for example. See below for the different areas I can assist you in. Read below about what you can expect from nutrition consultations and the special populations I can cater to.

What sort of advice & support can I expect from sessions?
Meal & food shop planning
I can help support you with the process of meal planning, if this is something you believe will be beneficial for you. Then, from here, I can also offer support on planning your food shop so it fits in nicely with this meal plan, as well as lining up with your own personal budget and shopping schedule.
Dietary analysis
This is such a helpful way to see how your current diet matches up against current dietary recommendations. No matter what your goals are, dietary analysis provides an invaluable insight and can help drive your goals and actions.
Help with navigating shopping & food labels
Sometimes food labels are colourful, other times they are full of percentages that don't tend to mean a lot to some of us, and they may even have an ingredients list that looks like an essay in another language. I will be here to help you decode food labels and understand what you should be looking for when you choose foods.
Advice tailored to you
After collecting a little bit of information, I will be able to calculate things such as BMI, energy expenditure, required energy intake and much more. This will allow me to understand the position you are in right now, as well as ensure all meal plans, advice, and educational opportunities fit in with your personal circumstances. This can also be an opportunity to learn so much about yourself too!
Changes to make to your current diet
After analysing your food diaries and seeing how your current diet matches up with healthy eating recommendations, I can advise you on small, simple changes to start making to help you close the gap between where you are now and where you are aiming to be. Generally, I will recommend 1-2 changes per week and this just ensures that things do not become overwhelming and too difficult to sustain.
Advice for activity changes
A big part of any nutritional journey is also physical activity. As we work together, I will endeavour to find ways that you can fit in activities you enjoy to support you with your goals. I will never ask you to do any exercise or physical activity that you do not enjoy (I personally am not a fan of running!) and I will not set unrealistic challenges for you. All advice is intended to fit in with your lifestyle and existing commitments.
Up-to-date information
I am never just going to make up dietary advice or information because it sounds good, just worked for me, or has been circulating as a 'trend' lately. All advice I give is based on the current healthy eating recommendations laid out in the UK, and any extra information I give outside of these will be backed up with research. I will allow you to take the action you think is best for research that does not yet have conclusive evidence. In some situations, I may also feel it is relevant that you seek advice from another health professional such as a registered dietician or GP. In this case, I will not try and diagnose, treat, or advise on anything I am not qualified to do so and will make sure you receive the help you need.
Education on any areas of interest to you
Whether you want to know how your body digests food, what happens to nutrients found in your food, the different approaches you can take to weight loss, how to best protect your immune system, or what the dietary risk factors for certain disease are, I am here to help you. If there is a certain area of interest to you, I am happy to spend time talking about the topic you want to. If I don't have the answers, I am more than happy to do some research for you and come back with evidence and resources to try and answer any questions you have.
Part of the process will likely involve some personal details such as weight, body measurements, food shop budgets etc to ensure the advice I'm giving is relevant to you and will help you specifically to make positive changes. My promise to you is that this information will always be stored securely, will never be shared with a third party unless you wish to do so (such as with a GP), and I will never judge you for any information I receive. I am here to help you, and it is very important to me that there is trust when we are working together. I will always delete data 21 days after we have finished working together, but this can be done any sooner at your request.
Continued support
Outside of our sessions, feel free to message me for advice, support, or just general little questions you may have. This does not cost any extra on top of the sessions you pay for - I just want to make sure that the process is as clear and achievable as possible for you. Also, some people really benefit from a bit of encouragement time to time, and so I am always happy to check in with you to see how things are going.
Specific Populations
I am qualified to give nutrition advice, based around healthy eating recommendations, to the following population groups. Please note, I am not qualified to treat or diagnose any medical conditions. This will need to be done by a health professional, such as your GP. I also cannot provide dietary advice for specific illnesses and disease, such as autoimmune diseases. If you are in doubt of whether you should be taking up nutrition coaching, please speak to your relevant health professional.

More information
The sessions will take place on Zoom, and I will provide you with the meeting details via email or message. You will have the option to use your meetings up weekly or fortnightly. Contact me for different structures to your nutrition coaching package.
These sessions are intended for one client. I will work with you and your nutrition goals to find strategies and options for you that relate to your personal goals and concerns. However, I am not currently qualified to give individualised nutrition advice - this is the role of a dietician or registered nutritionist. This includes people with certain illnesses or disease that require specialised dietary planning, such as Coeliac's disease. I will be giving advice based upon current government guidelines, and adapting them based on your circumstances and goals.
I am also not qualified to treat or diagnose any medical conditions.
These sessions are a way for you to navigate the confusing world of nutrition. With so much information out there, losing weight, eating healthy, fuelling sports and exercise activities, and so much more, can be a real struggle and become so overwhelming that it does not feel worth the hassle. Also, so many 'fad diets' are promoted these days, so even when we do make steps towards achieving our goals, we can often be left feeling let down, perhaps not reaching goals like we thought we would, having to follow boring diets that are unenjoyable, or putting weight back on as quick as we lost it. We all deserve to be healthy in a way that is enjoyable, suitable, and achievable for us, and this is the aim of these sessions - to help YOU find what works for YOU.
Within my working hours, I will be available for you to message or email me away from our sessions for any help, support, or advice you may need.